Contact Us


As we receive between 30-50 inquiries per day! Please have a read through our FAQ’s before contacting us as most of the time, you will find your answer here:

How much is a full service?

You can find all the details for Servicing here:

Our location can be found by scrolling to the bottom of this page and drop offs and pick ups are strictly by appointment only. Do NOT just turn up unannounced!

We can’t quote on any repairs, such as erratic speed issues, Tonearm problems etc unless we physically inspect the turntable.

Please contact us to arrange drop-off.

For servicing, sometimes we can inspect your turntable(s) at drop off and give you a fairly accurate quote there and then, otherwise you will receive a WhatsApp video explaining any issues and costings.

Usually anything from 7-10 “working” days depending on how busy we are or if your turntable(s) require any additional parts that need to be ordered in.

Short answer, no! While we appreciate your custom and the fact that you’ve chosen us to work on your turntable(s), we’re more than busy enough with customers who are able to drop off and collect personally so we do not need the added hassle of dealing with couriers and packaging up turntables. The only exception is if you have the full original Technics Factory packaging, we may allow a courier delivery.

Please check our EBAY SHOP HERE for our latest “ready”stock available however we probably have the UK’s largest stock of Technics Turntables so please get in touch if you’re after anything in particular because we probably have it!

Yes, we buy several per week! Feel free to email or WhatsApp us over some photos and a description outlining any faults, your location and a rough price of what you are hoping to get. If you are not local, you are required to suitably package the turntable(s) and we can possibly arrange courier collection.

We only service, repair, buy & sell the following models:

Technics SL1200MK2, SL1200MK5, SL1200LTD, SL1200 GLD, SL1210MK2, SL1210M3D, SL1210MK5, SL1210M5G

We will sometimes service & repair other makes and models of turntables at our discretion so it’s still worth asking!


Pushed for time? Simply fill out our quick query form and a member of our friendly staff will be in contact.

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